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2021 - Awrt

Single Man’s Guide to Meeting Someone Special

To all of you single guys out there, we understand your struggle. We’re talking about the struggle of finding a special girl to date, not one of the Instagram hoes or the club rats that are light weight alcoholics. We understand you spend most of your time at work, so you practically have no free time to dedicate to dating and chat apps. All a single man wants at the end of the day is a great girl to come home to, to spend time with, to experience life with. That’s where we come in; we can give you the tools to find these women despite how busy you are or how much you’ve given up on finding someone special.

1. Get online.

Every single man needs to utilize dating sites and dating apps to find the perfect woman for him. Getting online opens up the world of dating to whole new limits (or lack thereof). There are literally millions of singles out there, so why limit yourself to the people you see every day? Some people assume that all dating apps are sleazy, and all dating sites are cheesy. This is far from the truth! There are tons of dating apps out there that fights the standard sleazy vibe and instead are classy, mature, and are perfect for finding someone special. A few examples are apps like The League and Bumble. The League hand picks who can use their app versus who cannot, so they’re only allowing high-quality people to join. They look for classy, intelligent people who are serious about finding a relationship. And Bumble is pretty cool too, their whole thing is that only women can reach out to men, not the other way around. This way, when a woman reaches out to you, it’s guaranteed that she’s into you. It basically skips a step!

2. Utilize your connections.

Who knows you better than your friends, family, and maybe even co-workers? Probably no one. So use these people to find the perfect person for you. What do we mean by this? Ask them if them if they know of any single women that you would be interested in! Let them know that you want to get back in the dating game and tell them to keep you in mind to set you up with people. You’re probably thinking this sounds desperate, right? You’re wrong; it’s more charming than anything! And who knows, you could be missing out on meeting your best friend’s gorgeous single sister in law, or your coworker’s single best friend that’s perfect for you! Basically, you won’t know unless you ask, and are you going to rob yourself of meeting someone special because you have too much pride to ask for help?

3. Put yourself out there.

I bet you can think of 20 times that you’ve been in a store, at a restaurant, or even at church and thought a woman was beautiful. Well, instead of not doing about it, you should be a single man with some confidence and walk up and introduce yourself. What do you have to lose?! Worst case scenario she’ll make it known that she isn’t interested, and then you’re left in the same place you started. No love lost, no love found right? You need to start facing the opportunities that are right in front of you, because if you don’t, you’re missing out on a lot of potentials. And if she shuts you down, you can’t get discouraged. There are tons of single women out there who are looking for a single man like

A Girl’s Guide to Meet Guys

With all the creeps, jerks, and taken guys out there- the playing field feels minuscule to all of the single girls out there. What if I told you that there’s a ton of great, eligible guys out there- you just haven’t found them yet because you don’t know how? Or you have found them, but you messed up and lost them forever? Honestly, that could be the case for you. Maybe you’ve been trying, but you simply haven’t been utilizing your recourses as you could! But you have nothing to fear because today we’re providing all of you single girls a guide to meet guys. It’s easier than you think, so stay positive and read on. We guarantee if you simply use one if not all of our tips, you’ll be well on your way to meeting the guy of your dreams.

1. Be confident and put yourself out there

First and foremost, women must realize that confidence is key when you’re trying to meet the guy of your dreams. Most girls close up and get super shy and uncomfortable when they are around a guy they’re interested in. Which is so silly, because guys LOVE confident girls, and are usually turned off by insecure ones. So suck it up and put yourself out there. What do I mean by that? Smile, sit up straight, start conversations, join conversations, and be kind and comfortable to everyone around you. All of these things exude confidence. Most importantly, introduce yourself to the guys you’re checking out! How are you going to get anywhere by just watching those hotties from afar? Muster up the courage to walk up to them and introduce yourself. Trust us, guys love this forwardness. It shows maturity, confidence, and takes out some of the work for them.

2. Utilize the people you know.

Who knows you better than your girlfriends, sisters, and even your coworkers? Utilize the people who are close to you to help you meet guys. You can use your girlfriends as a wing woman, which is super useful and fun, or you can have people set you up. Between all of the people you know, someone has got to know a hot single guy that would be great for you. Let your friends, family, and coworkers know that you’re on the market and want to get out on the dating scene. We have no doubts that the people close to you would be more than willing to help you with this. Chances are, your best friend Brittany has a hot brother in law who’s your age and is perfect for you! Or your coworker Kelly has a good friend who’s looking to be set up too.

3. Don’t be afraid to spend some time alone.

Spend time alone? Isn’t that what you’re trying NOT to do?! But listen, we’ve got a point here. Most guys find it intimidating to approach a woman who’s with a gaggle of her girlfriends. I mean, who can blame them? It takes a lot of courage to hit on a woman with 4 of her friends giggling and watching every move you make. So, most men just don’t even bother. That’s why we say start doing stuff alone. Curl up at a coffee shop alone with a book, head to a sushi bar solo, or enjoy a magazine at the beach on your own. You’re way more likely to meet guys this way because a woman that is content and happy while alone is much more inviting and approachable than a crew of chicks. Makes sense, doesn’t it? An added

Top 5 Powerful Women in History

Women are the future and they always have been. The question is who is leading this new female empowerment and who has been? A look throughout history can quickly depict that we have had brilliant females who have changed the world for the better. We are going to check out five of these woman and why they are so wonderful.

1.Angela Merkel

This brilliant woman is currently the Chancellor of Germany and not to mention she is number one on Forbes top 100 most powerful woman list. As populist, right-wing political movements spring up around the world, many have labeled Germany’s Chancellor as the last bastion of Western liberal power.

Merkel, who faces a challenging reelection bid in 2017, has been tasked with maintaining a united European front in the wake of Brexit, balancing growing Russian influence on the continent and managing more than 1 million migrants who have entered Germany in recent years.

2. Hillary Clinton

Clinton may have lost the 2016 election but that doesn’t move her spot on Forbes list either.

Hillary Clinton was the first and only former First Lady to run for public office, the first woman to be elected a U.S. senator from New York, and the first woman to become a Democratic nominee for U.S. President — an election that she lost in November 2016 to Donald Trump. Clinton ranked #2 on Forbes’ Power Woman list in 2016.

3. Melinda Gates

Melinda Gates has cemented her dominance in philanthropy and global development to the tune of $4.2 billion in giving in 2015 and more than $36.7 billion in grant payments since she founded the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with her husband in 2000. Her work has inspired other big donors and has changed way funders think about effective philanthropy: highly targeted campaigns coupled with data-driven monitoring and global collaboration.

This doesn’t even include the amount of money that her and Mr. Gates bring in as a mutual income.

4. Christine Lagarde

Christine Lagarde was reelected in February 2016 to a second five-year term as head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the organization that serves as economic advisor and backstop for 188 countries. When she took over in 2011, the world economy was still recovering from the financial crisis, and the IMF from an institutional one. In the ensuing years, Lagarde has managed to enroll countries as diverse as China, Russia and Britain into the IMF’s brand of fiscal discipline, even as they bridle at the stern conditions of her structural loans. She has also lent the institution a “more human face by addressing issues like gender and income inequality,” U.S. Federal Reserve chief Janet Yellen wrote in a 2016 Time profile. Following Brexit, Lagarde must work with a divided Europe to ensure a stable economic recovery on the continent, particularly in Greece.

5. Oprah

Ringing us in at number 5 Oprah has been on this list for over two decades. Her social rights empowerment for women and minorities has been a beautiful journey to Oprah’s success and her many fans and followers.

Check out the video below for more on the most powerful women!

How Oprah Became so Powerful

Oprah is a internationally known TV presence known for her hit TV talkshow, her magazines and her book club. Oprah may seem as if she climbed to the top fairly easily but her journey was actually one of the most treacherous climbs in TV history.

Born in Mississippi but moved to Nashville to begin to launch her career. She began to work for a talk show called “people are talking.” Which she stayed with for 8 years.

After this talk show, Oprah was soon recruited to work for a show in Chicago which became known as the Oprah Winfrey show where Oprah would stay for 25 long seasons and mold her claim to fame.

Success and Fame

In 1994, with talk shows becoming increasingly trashy and exploitative, Winfrey pledged to keep her show free of tabloid topics. Although ratings initially fell, she earned the respect of her viewers and was soon rewarded with an upsurge in popularity. Her projects with Harpo have included the highly rated 1989 TV miniseries, The Women of Brewster Place, which she also starred in. Winfrey also signed a multi-picture contract with Disney.

The initial project, 1998’s Beloved, based on Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Toni Morrison and starring Winfrey and Danny Glover, got mixed reviews and generally failed to live up to expectations.

Winfrey, who became almost as well-known for her weight loss efforts as for her talk show, lost an estimated 90 pounds (dropping to her ideal weight of around 150 pounds) and competed in the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, D.C., in 1995. In the wake of her highly publicized success, Winfrey’s personal chef, Rosie Daley, and trainer, Bob Greene, both published best-selling books.

Her network

The popularity of Winfrey’s show skyrocketed after the success of The Color Purple, and in September 1985 the distributor King World bought the syndication rights (the rights to distribute a television program) to air the program in one hundred thirty-eight cities, a record for first-time syndication. That year, although Donahue was being aired on two hundred stations, Winfrey won her time slot by 31 percent, drew twice the Chicago audience as Donahue, and carried the top ten markets in the United States.

Oprah’s renowned network is definitely her best level of success. The network displays every once and character of her guru-like persona.

Oprah’s difficult past has led her to becoming the most generous woman in the world. “You get a car, you get a car, you get a car!” Is the most infamous line of great generosity in the world.

Oprah’s genuine character is sure to trump any other media heads because she isn’t transparent like the rest of them.

I guess to sum it up we can say that Oprah’s claim to power is her genuine attitude in the media that is absent in most other talk show hosts that we consume everyday.

Her encouragement and need to make the world a better place should be an inspiration to celebrities across the globe.

Learn more about Oprah Winfrey from the video below!

How to Keep A Sexy Snap Streak Alive

Snachat streaks are when you and a friend send each other snapchats back and forth for a number of consecutive days. This may seem unnecessary and annoying to keep up with just to increase your Snap streak score (the number of days you’ve been snapchatting back and forth), but it’s not hard work and can be fun!

To keep the Snap streak alive, all you have to do is send one Snapchat within 24 hours of the last time either party sent a snap. But sometimes, to keep the Snap streak alive a person just results to sending a half-assed picture of the ceiling with no caption.

If you want to maintain a Snap streak that’s actually interesting and you’ll care about keeping, start a sexy Snap streak!

What this is is basically a regular Snapchat streak, just with dirty pictures.

The first step to starting a sexy Snap streak with sexy snapchat girls is to start it with someone who is also game for it. To keep it alive and thriving, the two of you should place some kind of bet, the dirtier, the better, or consequence for the person who breaks the streak. That way, both parties are inclined to keep it alive, so you get the reward of receiving whatever pleasure the other person will give if they lose the streak. Also, it’s a good idea to set a length of time for your streak so that when you both reach it, hopefully, you’ll both reach something together, if ya’ know what I mean.

The next step is to actually send a snap. Go crazy! Or save the best for later, if you want. Light and fun nudes are probably your best bet for keeping the streak interesting, as you can play around with photos and videos with many of Snapchat’s features. Besides, if you give up too much too soon, there’s nothing to look forward to. Unless you’ve seen this person naked already, but this works best with someone you haven’t just yet! You could draw on, place stickers, use filters or video effects on your Snapchats before you send them. Also, a great app to use with your nudes is TrickPics, an app from the good people over at PornHub, that uses augmented reality stickers to cover your private parts.

Adding stickers from Snapchat or funny text over your intimate parts will catch the attention of your streak buddy and keep things intriguing!

Now the hard part — keeping your streak alive!

Sometimes your day-to-day duties occupy your mind, and you totally forget about social media in general or don’t have the time to check Snapchat before your 24-hour time-limit is up. Or maybe the snap just wasn’t exciting enough to reply to.

Either way, to keep the other person intrigued and your snap streak alive, you got to have some sort of reward system along with funny or mouth-watering sexy snaps! You could make your milestones whatever you want them to be but say for instance you reach one week of a Snap streak with the person you’re snapchatting — you could celebrate this with a sexy striptease video, or a great video of yourself masturbating to show your appreciation. As I said, save the best for later, and it’ll keep both of you caring about the streak if you’re waiting to see the juicier snaps.

Follow these tips and engage in a fun game of Snapchat streaks that will satisfy your daily cravings.

Three Times Snapchat Nudes Went Badly Wrong

We’ve all been guilty of a few technological fumblings in our time. We’ve all sent a text to the wrong person or accidentally copied in someone we shouldn’t have on an email. It’s a statistical probability that with all the information going back and forth at one time, something along the line is going to go wrong.

And Snapchat nudes are no different.

The following three celebrities all made grave errors when posting their Snaps and images to the world – so take these mistakes a lesson. Don’t be like these people, and make sure to use a dedicated snap sexting like like snap cheat

Let’s jump in.

Tim Westwood

Beloved British DJ Tim Westwood found himself in a little predicament in June 2017 thanks to a minor slip-up with his Snapchat account.

The legendary DJ made the mistake of posting a private message on his Snapchat timeline for his hundreds of thousands of followers to see. Under other circumstances, this wouldn’t be such a problem, however, the message contained a photograph of Westwood’s credit card details.

The message read:

“Baby looking forward to taking you to dinner on Thursday. I appreciate you may wanna get nails, hair and a wax. Even some new shoes or a clutch bag. Use my card it’s black with private banking so there’s no limit (but don’t be buying a new car lol).”

As you can imagine, the picture was immediately snapped by hundreds of his followers. Within a few seconds, 500 people had access to Westwood’s banking details.

Luckily, Westwood canceled his card and was thusly left stranded on the island of Bermuda without any cash. Assumingly, he never thought this would be the price he had to pay for trying to impress his date.

Megan McKenna

Reality TV stars aren’t exactly known for their reservation, but even a lot of her fans thought that Ex on the Beach’s Megan McKenna went too far with this one.

Not content with just posting explicit snaps of herself, Megan posted a Snapchat story which was nothing short of a porn movie. In the clip, Megan’s boyfriend approached her while she sat on her sofa and simply dropped his trousers. With zero hesitation, Megan went straight to work with her mouth.

Once the deed was done, Megan posted the clip to her Snapchat right away. Assuming she’d be met with words of praise from her followers, Megan received the opposite response. Within a matter of minutes, thousands of her fans ridiculed her for her attention-seeking behavior. It was referred to, amongst other things, ‘pathetic’, ‘seedy ‘and ‘unnecessary’.

But should we really expect anything less from a modern reality TV celebrity?

Ariana Grande

Imagine showing your friends around your house, when suddenly you reach the bedroom and recoil in fright. Right there on the floor next to your bed is a large, oversized dildo.

Could be pretty embarrassing, right?

Well now imagine that instead of your friends walking into your bedroom, it’s hundreds of thousands of strangers. Well, that’s exactly what happened to Ariana Grande with this next Snap.

In 2013, Grande shared a harmless selfie of her in her bedroom, only for eagle-eyed fans to notice a large penis-shaped object sitting on the floor behind her. Naturally, all fans assumed the most explicit theory to be the correct one – that sitting on Grande’s bedroom floor was her preferred sex toy.

In all fairness, it certainly looks like a vibrator, but Grande insisted to her fans in another post that it was merely a microphone. Regardless of the truth, it’s probably best to double check your